Zenith Model Z519D Plastic Clock Radio (1950s)

I bought this radio in the early 1970's at the weekly Boy Scout Flea Market in St. Paul, Minnesota. If only I could travel back in time to that flea market again: an acre-sized parking lot behind the old Montgomery Ward's building in St. Paul's Midway area. Full of trash, treasures, and thousands of other items. The market was sponsored by local Boy Scouts as a fund-raising activity. That type of flea market seems to be a thing of the past, unfortunately.

This radio has sentimental value because it's the first "old radio" I bought as an adult. It kept me company during many late nights as a law student, when life was busy and sleep was hard to come by. Over the years, other sets have moved into "most favored" bedside status, but I still have a soft spot for this one.

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